MiNightVet launches BSL SignVideo Service
A British Sign Language (BSL), video relay service enabling the deaf community to communicate with our MiNightVet team in England, Wales and Scotland, during the following hours:
- Monday to Friday from 8pm – 8am
- Weekends from Saturday 1pm to Monday 8am
- Bank holidays – 24 hours
- Clicking on the SignVideo link from the practice page on the MiNightVet website
- Using the SignVideo app. To find out how to download the App, go to
Why use SignVideo?
If you are deaf or hard of hearing and you are a client of one of the registered veterinary practices signed up to our out of hours emergency service, you can use the free, on-demand SignVideo interpretation service from home or during your appointment to communicate with our MiNightVet team.
How it works
To access SignVideo you will need a smartphone, computer, or tablet with a webcam, microphone and speakers. The device must be connected to the internet.
Once connected, you can speak and sign to a qualified BSL interpreter on your screen who will relay conversation in real time to a member of our MiNightVet team.
How to access
Clients can access the SignVideo service by: